Monday, May 22, 2017

Fashion show

          Last weeks fashion show was a hit! we had everything all done and clean at the right time. I had the job to tell everyone when to go on the stage. It felt very exciting because I felt like the task was very much important and very much needed. I felt a bit nervous of course but that's normal and I liked it very much. 
Image result for fashion sketches
          First it started with a great greeting speech that my instructor made and then the music started right after and it was my time to shine! I was on it! and I felt like I was the only one who was right for the job. All the collections were very beautiful and so breathtaking. But the after the show we had a photo shoot, that was also fun. I got to model for an Avant-garde look that I thought looked pretty. It wasn't much but I was very happy with what I had to wear. My friend made it so I was much more happier. It was a big cape that had a T-shirt as an end and the whole entire thing was made out of T-shirts. I felt so pretty and felt so excited about how it all turned out to be. 

(pic cred: ) 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

What are goal?

        What are goals? and why do we need them? What is the purpose of even having a goal in your thoughts. Well, a goal is a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. A destination of a journey. Everyone has a goal that will help them in the future, because what we are now will effect what we wanna be in the future, and what we become in the future will change people around you. Making them wanna step themselves up as well, because no matter how we all see it. We give an effect on people around us. Making them have a spark of realization or brilliance. 
          Cause what you are now is not what a person wants you to be, it's what you wanna be, and it's your choice on if you wanna stay that person or change. Cause life is only given to you once. You live everyday, but you die once. Everyone has a chance in life and everyone has a goal that will make themselves a better self. But it's up to you on if you wanna take that first step to your very own success. 
         My goals in life has change many times. Changed from small to big and big to small. Then there was moments in my life where I had no goal what so ever and thought that I will never have one for myself. But the goal I have for myself right now is to do great. It's not very detailed but it's something that I can reach for. Cause not everyone gets far, but we all get somewhere. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Natural Fibers

          I have a bunch of notes about Natural fibers, so I'm gonna put down what notes I took, and tell you what I learned from it. 
          Natural fibers is the foundation of fabric. First it goes from fibers, then that goes into yarn, and then that goes up to fabric. Fiber looks like a small, hair-like substance that is called wool. It's warm and of course from a sheep. Then there's a part where lanolin comes in. They use lanolin in cosmetics, shampoo, and ointment.
Image result for natural fiber clothes          Now, silk will be used later on in my fashion class. So silk is a protean fiber, also very expensive. But, I also learned that worms play a part in this. they give us the fiber we need. They give it by going into an egg, there the egg is covered with these hair-like stands. Then the sheep is also a player too, when we shave the sheep we brush it out.
         You take the wool piece and brush it out gently, making sure it doesn't break, and then making a stop when the wool piece is long and smooth. But not ropy looking, that's what we don't want it looking like. 
          Then you take the wool piece and you spin it by taking it around your hand, but not too tight, and moving your hand in a motion that spins the wool. You want to do this until the long wool piece is tight twisted and ready to twine into each other. Once it's at that point, you take the two end and push them together, and at the bottom you'll see the long middle pieces twist together. After that you cut the two ugly end pieces and TADAA! you just made yourself a little piece of yarn, when I did it in the classroom it was so much fun, and such a big learning experience. But, also. All these are NATURAL FIBERS!

(pic cred: ) 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

What is critical thinking?

      What is critical thinking? based on what the dictionary says, it says the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment and in the fashion industry there's always gonna be a time where you have to critically think about something that might involve a upcoming project or a team work kind of thing. 
Image result for brain doodle             Critical thinking is important and used at all times during the fashion industry and if you don't have that when doing something involved with team work or a single person project. You will fall behind and you won't be able to go any further with your team and partners. 
            Critical thinking can be used in a team project and it is used at all times. For example, for the mood boards we did at the beginning of this project had us all critical thinking and working together. Then after that when the mood boards were finished we had to go on a little field trip to savers to get items, tops, bottoms, and/or fabrics to get our garments ready and planned out. During every moment of the fashion industry you're always gonna use critically think. 

(pic cred:,21/brain-and-lamp-concept-in-doodle-style-vector-1077921.jpg ) 

Friday, March 31, 2017

dirtiest thing you're wearing

     “The clothing industry is the second largest polluter in the world...second only to oil,” the recipient of an environmental award told a stunned Manhattan audience earlier this year. “It’s a really nasty’s a mess.” - Eileen Fisher. Designer Eileen Fisher was correct in sharing her opinion of the industry. Many people do not know where fabric of their clothing comes from and many don't care. But, it is important to know what we are wearing, how did come to us, why was it like that, and what it's really made out of. 
Image result for eileen fisher            What she said in the article "It's the second dirtiest thing in the world- and you're wearing it" This article tells you everything that had happen and I honestly agree with what designer Eileen said. To say that and know the damaged she might do to her company was very bold, but very happy she did it because if you don't say anything then things will get worse in the future and we don't want anymore bad things happening anymore this year. 

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Friday, March 24, 2017

History of Fashion

         The history of fashion goes very far back to the early ages of man kind. But, let's look at the most popular time of fashion that we still love and adore. We have 1900-1990's. 
Tuppence Ha'penny: Travelling Light: Weekend Wardrobes 4 piece sets ( 4 pieces make 4 different outfits):            I think the fashion time that I loved will be the 1950's. The 1950's has the most cutest fashion with the most wonderful looking dresses and shorts. During World War II and the 1940's, clothing was greatly influenced by rationing and limited quantities of fabrics, threads and needles. Once World War II and rationing ended, a new availability of different types of fabrics and larger quantities of these fabrics allowed a new type of fashion to bloom. Because of the end of World War II and the economic boom, men were sent back to work in record numbers. This meant that two of the primary driving forces behind the consumerism of the 1950s were housewives and the baby boom. 😃😃 
          Descriptions of clothing included subtle cues that certain clothing and fashionable looks would help women either please their husbands or help them find a husband. Fashion started to emphasize conformity. Women were sold on a certain body shape that would best fit the latest fashions and that shape was a thin waist with defined hips and a larger but very defined and shapely bust. Corsets, controllers and bustiere tops were standard beauty fare and latex and nylon slimmers were heavily marketed towards women. 
          For men, fashions changed very little throughout the decade. Choices were suits, sport coats, slacks, sweaters, or casual wear all in similar fabrics and styles. Bolder patterns might emerge for casual wear, but business clothing remained largely unchanged during the fifties. The rise of teenage culture. Around the middle of the decade a separation between child and adult styles began and the gap was filled by teenage clothing. Teenage style, culture, and consumerism became a major part of society for the first time in recent history. Around 1955, we start to see that some of the biggest trends are targeted towards teenagers. Suddenly, whole departments and catalog sections are devoted to (mainly female) teenagers and young adults. At this point, teenage culture and clothing also became a larger part of television, movies and music. 
          The beginnings of change, at the end of the 1950's, Sexier silhouettes with tighter skirts, shirts and dresses start to show up for women. Rebellious looks for men also emerge with leather motorcycle jackets, studded boots, and bolder patterned shirts and sweaters becoming popular at the latter end of the decade. Girls and women start to get more clothing options in terms of pants and shorts with pedal pushers, Bermuda shorts, and tapered leggings featuring prominently in style trends. Fashions from the fifties greatly showcased the mood of the decade and emphasized consumerism and conformity. Going into the 1960's, fashions started to reflect the upcoming diversity and individuality that would become the main focus behind the fashion revolution during the next decade.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Mood Board

        The group group I'm in, we are doing moods board at the current time and we came up with a story line behind the mood board theme to create a better "wow" fracture to the mood board purpose. 
        The mood board theme name is "Roses n' Thorns" We called it that because the story we have for it is, a rich boy who is also a bad boy comes along the girls way. She's also wealthy and is a very nice innocent girl. She meets the boy and then that's when she goes into a transition of being her normal innocent self, into this slightly bad girl figure. Thus, we have Roses n' Thorns. 
        The collection that we imagine doing is gonna have, leather, lace, and a bit of silk or woven. The colors we thought of will be blush tone, black, and nude. These colors will signify the nice and naughty of the story, but we called bad and bouji~😊😊
       The mood board came out great with many features and awesome looks to make the board look hot and glamorous. So, that's all I could say for today, stay perfect! byye.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Fashion model sketch

       Sketching a fashion model can be a hard task for some people and for others it can be walk in the park. Not many can perfect the model in a sketching way, so here it is. A short illustration of how. Plus, sorry if my explaining doesn't sound right but I'll try my best to describe and walk you through it. 
Image result for fashion sketches        First, you'll have to make the model's head, making it about 2iches, slim but not too slim, and then making cheek bones(get to to the point of why you need to put cheek bones later) then make a neck that is also slim and long, but not 2 inches. I say about 1 inch. then from the bottom lines of the neck, you make the shoulders. Try making the shoulder not too bold, or the model's are thin and small. But if you're aiming to make a slight bold woman then don't make her a bit too bold, cause then she'll look like a man. In my opinion... lol. So after you got your slim shoulders, you making the breast/bust. Don'y make them too big, saggy, small, or high. Make them near the bottom of the shoulders, but if they look saggy, then lift them up a bit. 
      Then, make the torso and stomach. The torso should start from the bottom the bust but more to the corners of the bust. Then make the torso line both go out but not too much, about 1 1/2 cm. But, that depends on how big you're drawing the model. Then make the stomach like an hour glass, but not too deep or she'll look a bit off with propitiation. After that you'll make the female uterus in the middle of the hips you made, but low. Make a gap in when you begin to do the legs. 
      After you make the gap, you start the inner line of the legs with a smooth hand and make it long, but not too leg for you don't want your model looking too tall. Then from the hip line you make the outer leg line. Keep the lines slightly together to make a pair of slim legs but not too slim, you still want a model to have meat. After making the legs, you make the feet, and making them big and slim. Like flippers! 
Image result for fashion sketch makeup      Last, making the face. The face has to look beautiful, slim, and dramatic. The cheek bone part is to show slimness and dramatic feature. Slightly shade the bottom of the bones then make the eyes, you want to make the eye half lidded, and with long long long! lashes. Makes the eyebrow high and thin with a sharp point at the end. Then making the lips big and dramatic with a white space in the middle to make it look like it's a bit open. After that, you got yourself a model!~ 

( picture cred: face: 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Paris Fashion Week.

        Cosmic Love, the name of Paris's fashion runway this week. I usually don't watch fashion runways but this one caught my eye, giving me multiple feelings to this, and also making me like it in a very deep way. I personally think that fashion shows could be a bit too buzzard with the clothes, but this one made me like it. It was a bit buzzard but it wasn't too buzzard. 
Image result for Manish Arora Fall/Winter 2017: Cosmic Love        In a way some of the clothing that were brought to the runway was both bold and flow. Like there would be an outfit were it has a tight shirt with bold shoulders and pants with flowing bell bottoms. Then a dress that was tight on the top and flow on the bottom. Then some that were just plain boldness and plain flowing. All of them bit look futuristic and had a lot of dazzle on them that really gave them life into the outfit. If it weren't for the dazzle the runway look a bit off, but I personally think it came out great. 
       The texture of the runway and the outfit gave the feeling of roughness do to the accessories, then the feeling of coarse. But then again coarse and rough both slightly mean the same thing. Next, the shape. All looked both curvaceous and elongated. Some had curved shoulders that I said before that were bold, and then curved hips; that really made the figure pop out a lot. They had outfits on this runway that looked elongated, many had long dresses that were flow, long sleeves, purses, and a bit of the accessories that were attached to it. There isn't that much to talk about in the shape section, so moving on to scale. 
       Overall the runway was a hit in my opinion and I wish I was there to witness the great runway in person to actually get a better feeling to it. 

(pic credit; )

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Anniesa Hasibuan.

         A Muslim designer cast only immigrant models in her runway show, Annisea Hasibuan shows that "Fashion is an open world." 
The final walk from the fall 2017 Anniesa Hasibuan runway show. Photo: courtesy Getty         Annisea Hasibuan, an Indonesian Muslim. Took a very brave step against the situation of Trump's order of keeping immigrants out, but to be more detailed. Keep the Muslim immigrants out. Showing her thoughts to this, she gathers models who are immigrants, green card holders, and first -or second- generation Americans. Then putting them on the runway with stunning outfits and Hijab to really finish the beautiful look, doing this to show her sartorial protest against Islamophobic and xenophobic sentiments and policies in the U.S. "'Drama' is truly inspired by the strength of women," Hasibuan said. "Women are characterized by a very dynamic character with all the sad, happy, complicated moments. But at the end of the day, it's the strength of women that can actually cope with everything and become empowered and rise."
          The designer channeled empowerment through her modest collection by showing that conservative dressing doesn't have to be any less dynamic. Hasibuan also played with proportion and shape, by adding twisty belts and pairing voluminous cropped jackets with longline skirts to define the waistline. While riding the fine line between conservative dress and taking a sartorial risk, Hasibuan's twist on modest fashion can also be a tool to help dispel some people's misconception that Muslim women are oppressed. 
         "I'm pretty sure we can nail it," Hasibuan said confidently. "Fashion is one of the most important means we can use to express [ourselves]. To make political statements. To right the wrong."

(pic credit: )

Friday, March 3, 2017

Do I Worry Colleges or Employers Might Read my Social Media Posts Someday?

      I feel like if that does happen, I hope I gave important information that's also helpful, and gives the reader a clear view of what I'm talking about. The work I put onto the blogs are all hard work that I have researched from multiple websites and put into one that would clearly make sense and sometimes it's just information I have learned from my instructor and my fellow classmates. 
      Not every blog was made out of wanting to make, cause it's actually an everyday thing I have to do in order to either wake myself up and get right into focusing, or to just reminder myself of a lesson I learned not to long ago. 
      With every blog, I serve my whole memory of what I learned and with that I also find myself thinking that I have come a long way of what I fully learned and decided to care about. 
       So to clearly and finally answer the question, I want to say. I would truly feel nervous to what they might think of on my work and if it's something that isn't good enough then I will try harder. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

History of zippers

      I know, why zippers? and why write the history of something so small. Well I'm gonna show you guys the history of zippers because it plays a big part in the fashion industry, they're practically everywhere on our clothes, object, and also used for sayings. 
      The sipper has passed through the hands of several dedicated inventors, it was the magazine and fashion industry that made the novel zipper the popular item it is today. Elias Howe, inventor of the sewing machine, success of the sewing machine, and after Elias received a patent in 1851 got an " automatic, continues clothing closure. " 
Maybe the cause of Elias not to pursue marketing his clothing closure system was also tied to the sewing machine success. As a result, Howe missed his chance to become the recognized "Father of the Zip." Whitcomb Judson, also inventor of the "Pneumatic street railway," forty-four years ago. 
Image result for a zipper       Together with businessman Colonel Lewis Walker, Whitcomb launched the Universal Fastener Company to manufacture the new device. The clasp locker debuted at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair and was met with little commercial success. A Swedish-born electrical engineer named Gideon Sundback whose work helped make the zipper the hit it is today. Originally, hired to work for the Universal Fastener Company, his design skills and a marriage to the plant-manager's daughter Elvira Aronson led to a position as head designer at Universal.  "Judson C-curity Fastener." And when Sundback's wife died in 1911, the grieving husband busied himself at the design table and by December of 1913, came up with what would become the modern zipper.
        popular "zipper" name came from the B. F. Goodrich Company, which decided to use Gideon's fastener on a new type of rubber boots or galoshes. It took twenty more years to convince the fashion industry to seriously promote the novel closure on garments. 
        Thus, The next big boost for the zipper came when devices that open on both ends arrived, such as on jackets. Today the zipper is everywhere, in clothing, luggage, leather goods and countless other objects. Thousands of zipper miles are produced daily to meet the needs of consumers, thanks to the early efforts of the many famous zipper inventors.

(pic cred:,d.cGc&psig=AFQjCNHV0jr2KnbbwDfZYgHtH1k9KQ9bLg&ust=1488401769826472 )

Monday, February 27, 2017

Oscar Fashion

      In last night's Oscar fashion there was many beautiful fashion dresses that need more than just photos! I honestly didn't watch all of it, but I did get the chance to look at all the outfit that was worn on the red carpet. I have two favorites that really caught my eye. One was from a female, Taraji p. Henson. The second was, Terrence Howard. They have really caught my eye for best dress, in my opinion. But of course, I didn't only look at Terrence, there was two other men that had best dress too but I had to pick for this blog (TAT) <= crying face haha. 
Taraji P. Henson      Taraji didn't have that much on and dress didn't have a lot of zing into it, but that's kind of what I like. Taraji honestly looks amazing in anything you put her in, she will rock it no matter what cause she has that face to go with it, and she has the body structure. (not saying you need one) But to me, taraji look absolutely beautiful in this dress. She had the skin showing, she had her figure out, the shirt curled/messy hair, purse, shoes, and that breath taking diamond necklace she has on! She completely killed me with this amazing beautiful dress on the red carpet.

      For the second look I want to point out is Terrence Howard, he had a nice PJ suit kind of look, and to me it looked very handsome on him. He too is one that looks very good in anything you put on him, his red carpet look is definitely something he would wear. His looked very amazing on him, even I would wear that hahaha, and plus I just wanna give a shine on his shoes and just point out how clean and fresh they look! Like where can I get a pair! hahaha!
Image result for terrence howard oscar 2017 
There was trends I did notice, but there wasn't much of it shown, and I honestly think this little trend isn't my favorite at all. The trend I saw was a mermaid kind of look that shown skin and has a skin tone to make it look like your skin when the dress is on. I saw a few women dress in it and I do think it's not my most favorite. 
     The Oscar culture, For years, conservatives have railed against Hollywood's liberal political leanings, gleefully citing declining award-show ratings as proof that people were turned off by civics lectures from privileged stars. At this point, the Academy of Motion Picture arts and Sciences, which presents the Oscars, and ABC, which televises it, should have little to fear in terms of alienating potential viewers. The Academy Awards, admittedly, provide a much bigger stage, second only to playoff football among annual televised events. But its viewership drop over the years -- to about 34.4 million viewers in 2016, the lowest number since 2008. So despite the red carpet and fine attire, expect a few sharp rhetorical elbows to fly. And those with a stake in the show's performance are likely prepared to let the chips, and ratings, fall where they may.
 Thank you for reading today's blog, will be posting tomorrow, 
(link: )

Monday, February 13, 2017

2017 Grammy's awards

     Last night's Grammy awards was off the chains, many people are talking about it in social media, they say how amazing it was. But most of the talk was pointing towards Beyoncé's outstanding, heart moving performance.  
Image result for daft punk grammys 2017      There was some outfits I saw that were okay to me, some that I loved, and those I thought why would someone wear that, HaHaHa!But the outfit that I was really eyeballing was the amazing Daft punk. What they worn was so AMAZING! I loved it and was really just stuck looking at it cause it was so cool! what Daft punk worn in their performance really dropped my jaw in such a good way, cause it was so god like, and it just really made feel like it was a future thing; I just really loved it.  

     Ugh! love it.  I really love the cape part and I seen a small clip of after the performance, when they were walking to the back, and saw draft punk walking with their beautiful capes on; AAH! I loved how they looked like gods! 😃
Image result for daft punk grammys 2017     The next outfit I want to just talk about that I also really loved is Beyoncé's outfit on stage! She looked absolutely beautiful, evening in her pregnancy she still shown on stage and slayed! her Lemonade album was very heart moving, heart warming, religion working in such a spectacular way, and was just unforgettable. I seriously cried cause that's how very touching it was for me and if I had to watch it again then I will watch it hundreds times more,because it was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen and no one can ever top that.

(picture cred: 
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Monday, February 6, 2017

Raf Simons

    Raf Simons. Head designer of Calvin Klein and menswear designer extraordinaire. Raf Simons is a Belgian fashion designer. Beginning in furniture design, he launched his own menswear label in 1995. In April 2012 he was announced as the creative director at Christian Dior. On October 22, 2015 he resigned from Christian Dior. Simons graduated in Industrial Design and Furniture Design from a college in Genk in 1991. To say that Simons is a god among New York menswear geeks would not be hyperbole, and to have him showing his collection here — for him to deem New York worthy — feels substantial, his endorsement of the city working to further legitimise its entire men’s fashion industry.
Related image        His work gives me many mentions, Not the bad type of emotions, more like a bit good. When a scan through his work on the runway, it gives a feeling of the big city fashion, and a sort of comfy feeling, then warm, and then summer. Al his design do look the same but also different in the sometime. I actually really like it. 

(pic cred: 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

McCall pattern company.

      Do-it-yourself fashion thrives at the McCall pattern company, a 1915 skyscraper in Manhattan’s financial district, you will find rooms filled with buttons and zippers, bolts of fabric on work tables and metal file drawers stuffed with paper pattern packets. A room where muslin women is fitted to dress forms; a dressmaking room, where they slave away making sample garments; and a photo studio, where models pose for simple shoots that emphasize the clothes, and rather than sex or sizzle. 80 or so employees, home sewing is not so much a retro thing as it is a timeless pursuit.
      There it was, a representation of the company she works for, alongside rotary phones and carousel slide projectors taken from the collective cultural attic.The patterns created here are blueprints, essential enablers for do-it-yourself-minded women and men who want to look stylish without plunking down thousands at a department store or the latest pop-up shop. Gretchen Hirsch, a blogger, author and pattern designer who began sewing seriously 10 years ago when she was in her 20s, said the process of picking out a McCall pattern has not changed from when she visited fabric stores with her mother as a girl in the 1980s. A new appreciation for artisanal crafts has led the Etsy generation to embrace sewing. Once done mainly out of economic necessity, making clothes at home is back in fashion, relatively speaking.
      Lately, McCall has been mining its past to build a bridge to the future, posting images from its impressive archive to social media sites like Instagram and Pinterest. Which, is also known for getting social. Famous faces jump out on almost every page. There’s Iman and Christie Brinkley modeling sportswear at the dawn of their careers in October 1977. Vogue Patterns was always the high-fashion bible for the advanced sewer. work from the star designers that appeared in its pages, including Givenchy, Christian Dior and Valentino, dispelled the notion that homemade clothing was frumpy or for the members of religious cults.
thank you for reading, I hope I gave helpful information. 😊😊

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Monday, January 30, 2017

SAG awards 2017

       During the weekend there was a very popular event on Jan 29, 2017. (on a Sunday) during night time I was watching the SAG awards right before bedtime and very much enjoyed the time, I seen many colors, and seen many beautiful dresses. But, the color I kept seeing during the awards was a skin color nude look, everything was light skin, and or a shaded pink. The most fashion I seen during the awards was skin tight dresses or dresses with poof and a lot of skin showing. Who doesn't like a little skin show? female like showing themselves in the slightest way to show how much they really themselves. Therefore, there's always clothing out there showing a bit of skin on the female body and I think there should be more of it, because even the thick looking girls would look really nice in it too, and not many thick girls wear that type of stuff. 
Most Confused Dress: Taraji P. Henson in Reem Acra       While I was watching I saw this dress that really caught my eye deeply and made me fall in love. The dress is made by Reem Acraa nd the dress was worn by Taraji P. Henson. I honestly love this dress because it gives me a feeling of princess all over it. During little girly years and probably all of ours too, I would always obsess over princesses and how perfect they look. So this dress really made me feel like that and made me fall head over heals for. The dress is pink with a bit a of brown (in my best guest) it shows a large amount of chest and has so much glam on it. (Glam is jewels) I didn't feel like there was much done with her hair but over all I really loved the dress and I felt like it was out of the box. 
      I would really wear this dress so much for no reason because that's how amazing it is to me T0T (  <-- emoji  )

(picture cred: )

Monday, January 23, 2017

Toilet paper dress project!

    In fashion class there was a very creative project we had to do in groups of  four. The project was making toilet paper dresses on the manikin. In the project I didn't think much of it and thought it was gonna be something to just kill some time, and usually I would draw or make something when I feel like killing time. During the making our team shown a amazing effect of teamwork. Not many teams have team work and those who do, don't have enough. Our team shown teamwork and strong structure, we build the dress first on paper, and changed it a few times to make it much better; I'm quite happy we did it on paper instead of going right to the manikin. Many people would have choose doing it on the manikin first than doing the paper. Maybe it's an energy thing? or just saving time..?

       During the making of the dress we changed it a few times, first we drawn it long and poof, changed it too long and skinny, and then we settled with a short skirt, hip cape, and backless dress; though there is more to this than what it says. The dress has a long flowing hip cape that touches the ground, thee back doesn't have straps for it is half covered with a illusion spread of white flowers, the flowers were gonna stay at the back but we decided to just make it a dress with flowers spread on like an illusion, and keeping the cape around the hips. After putting the details on the dress and making sure was perfect for presentation, the instructor then tells us that we learned something while making the dresses. 

       We learned the different qualities of the designs we put in the dress, not noticing there is lines all over the dresses, and what I mean by lines all over the dress is that are called "Elements of design" the elements of design are color, line, form, and texture. Each of these elements plays times referred role on forming the structure of clothing designs. 
Lines give direction, break larger areas into smaller ones, create movement, carrying the eye from one area to another, and they can be vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or curved. The lines we mostly used was vertical, horizontal, and curved. These lines mean something in fashion industry. Vertical lines lead the eye up and down. They give the feeling of height, dignity, and strength.  Vertical lines could be seen on the dress in the hip cape area. The lines show dignity a lot more than it does with the others. Next, we have the horizontal lines showing on the dress. Horizontal lines carry the eye from side to side. Such lines suggest a feeling or calm relaxation, but can add width. Horizontal lines show on the lower part of the dress;the skirt part. It does lead my eye from one side to the other side, making me look at the design that's nicely spread out on the dress, and I would honestly not change it. 
Lastly we have curved lines. Curved lines gently bend. They create the appearance of softness and fullness. The curves are seen all over the dress, which are the flowers, and with each well made flower gives a gentle soft look. 

       Thank you for reading this blog and I hope you all enjoyed the blog today, more will come, and goodbye. 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

sports wear

        Once the year starts, a lot of people might think the same thing for their resolution. Either that's eating right, working out more, and or just wanting to make the year count and make it better than last year. anyone wanting to just lose a couple of weight to just feel good, here's a new product Nike has, and has greats reviews on. The hot product made by  Nike is called "Nike Pro Classic Padded Bra" The is used for workout of course, and ever since the year started; people been buying fitness gear like crazy. Nike came out with a new fitness bra that gives much more comfort to when you workout with it. I mean, who's ever gotten uncomfortable with their workout bra while running, warming up, and or just doing anything. 
        The popular sports bra got 84 reviews and 89% of reviewers recommending this product. 51% five stars, 25% four stars, 4% three stars, 3% two stars, and 1% one star.Adding another review board for size, comfort, fit, and durability; this sports bra looks really fascinating and very worth the money.  The rating for size is a 95% true to size, rating for comfort is a 88% very comfortable, rating for fit is a 94% as expected fit, and the last rating to make this product such a booming success is durability. The percentage for that came out as 86% very durable. To match it's awesome review the bra comes out to the pricing of $32. Sizes are XS, S, M, L, and L. 
        Here's a funny and great review by a person who bought the bra and gave a great review. 

(youtuber: Boobydoo )   

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Fur coat fashion

       There is nothing like the winter coats of the Jazz Age. Their curved shapes with large fur collars created a cocoon of warmth and style that has yet to be duplicated. Coats were often made of wool suede velour, deep pile velvet, wool broadcloth, and velour coating. Linings were made from crepe de chine, satin de chine, brocade, or other silks and blends. Popular fur trim included mink, possum, raccoon, seal, fox, sable, and beaver for the upper classes. Mid classes may have chosen the cheaper weasel, squirrel, chinchilla or mole. Some cheap furs like rabbit were dyed to look like the more expensive fox and seal furs.  If real fur was out of your price range, there were synthetic fake furs often called Siberian fur cloth, that resembled the real thing. The most favored furs had long, and soft hairs. Full belts were common in the early 20’s and for trench style men’s inspired coats. 
Clara Bow:         Long knee length wool 1920s men's coats with wide lapels, broad shoulders and a tightly fitted waist emphasized thin and muscular physique. It was only natural that men returning from war could no longer fit into their pre-war clothing nor appreciate the sung suits. As 1920s suits grew more fitted in the torso so did the overcoat in the early twenties. Then as suits grew a bit wider and looser the coats followed as well. Men's overcoats were not brash and colorful as most other clothing was. Younger wealthier men preferred lighter shades and blends of blue-grey or tan-brown but that was as far as colors went. In 1923 the British trend for dark blue coats came to America. It was touted as the color that flattered all shapes, sizes, and ages. It was the new “black.” Besides coats, dark formal dinner jackets came in dark blue along with men’s business suits and casual pants. 

       In 1920s men's raccoon coat came into spotlight! I love the raccoon coat look on men, because it shows the boldness, and a bit of wealth in them. Entirely fur overcoats, such as the famous Raccoon coat, became a trend and symbol of swanky young college men with sex appeal just like their movie star idol Rudolph Valentino. All men, regardless of age, were quick to buy and wear a Raccoon coat even if it was only worn two or three times a year to football games.
raccoon coat 20s:
(pic:MALE PIC:


Friday, January 6, 2017

NY'S Resolution

      I had to do a part two to the new year's resolution because I barely remembered that I have more things I want to do this year!
       MY resolutions are a bit simple but they are hard if you can somewhat relate to what I'm going to type in. My first resolution i have for myself, id to get back in shape. I have been lazy for the past 2 years! I weigh I think 193. I have already got o the treadmill, eating more healthy, watching what I eat, and even bought something from amazon to help me. You could say it;s almost like a cheat ha ha.. Well, I bought a dieting tea that flushes my system more than it already does. Now, when I say dieting tea you're probably thinking "oh, she is going to the bathroom every hour to take a number two" well no! It doesn't work like that. What I have to do is. First, eat breakfast or lunch or dinner then drink the tea. The plan I have out for myself is very simple. when I eat something heavy I don't drink the tea, instead I put on my body wrap, and just work out for maybe 15-25 minutes. until I feel like things settled down. But if I eat breakfast or a big dinner with my family, then I drink the tea after it. Then work out to an hour the next day. Usually when it rains outside on a day I plan on jogging, I just use the stairs. It'll take awhile for me to enjoy this painful healthy life but I know I'll get through it!

        The second resolution I have for myself, is to keep myself away from negativity. At my school I have a group of friends that have some trouble with themselves. Some days they could be all fun and say nice things, then there's those days when the group is out of it, bad things are being said, and I start feel really low. There are times when I actually start being the same then it'll last for maybe 2-3 days for me. I'm just really sensitive towards negative stuff. I'm also trying to get over a past crush, we had a strong bond but I wanted to get away once I found out he was dating a girl, it was very hard for me. plus, it was finals week. I ended up breaking down in my school's bathroom after I messed up on my final art project. man I was crying lolol But that really changed me. I was all moody and blaahh! so that's why I'm changing myself for the better. I'm changing myself for myself. 

       These are my final New Year's Resolutions. Hope you peeps have a great year!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

New Year's Resolutions!

        I'm extremely happy 2016 is over! It's been such a crazy ride, there were times when I though the year wouldn't even end; to how the year was moving so slow. But, it's strange. Now that 2016 has past I somehow feel like 2016 went by so fast! ( *O* ) 
        I don't really make new year's resolutions, but this year I did. I really hope I can actually stick to this resolution ha ha... I couldn't stick to my 2015 resolution so I thought to just forget about it. 
        Well! on with the resolutions! I have made two resolutions I seriously really want to complete and inject in the blood before I leave my fashion class and those two resolutions are to. 
1.) To learn more hand embroidery stitches, like ones that I didn't have a chance to do last semester. Such as split stitch. It's similar to back stitch, the split stitch creates a solid line with an added texture to it. It looks really easy when I watch someone do it, but when I have the needle, and thread in my hands I tend to freeze up and forget. Then I want to learn chain stitch, I don't really think I have explain that because the name of it obviously says what it is. 
2.) To make myself a dress. I know what you might be thinking "oh, probably a simple dress" WELL NO! I cosplay a lot with my sister and it's a hassle to order costumes online and wait for such a long time for it to even come in, PLUS! the pay can be sometimes awful heavy! so I want to make myself a dress. There's an anime named "Yuri on Ice" and on the web there's drawings (fanart) of one of Yuri's performance outfits but as a dress. It's black and SO BEAUTIFUL. I actually don't think I'm going to be able to do that but hey. It worth the try. 

     Thank you for reading HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE

(gif cred to: )
FYI this is the yuri outfit and I want to make it into a dress. 

Image result for yuri on ice eros dress