Thursday, January 5, 2017

New Year's Resolutions!

        I'm extremely happy 2016 is over! It's been such a crazy ride, there were times when I though the year wouldn't even end; to how the year was moving so slow. But, it's strange. Now that 2016 has past I somehow feel like 2016 went by so fast! ( *O* ) 
        I don't really make new year's resolutions, but this year I did. I really hope I can actually stick to this resolution ha ha... I couldn't stick to my 2015 resolution so I thought to just forget about it. 
        Well! on with the resolutions! I have made two resolutions I seriously really want to complete and inject in the blood before I leave my fashion class and those two resolutions are to. 
1.) To learn more hand embroidery stitches, like ones that I didn't have a chance to do last semester. Such as split stitch. It's similar to back stitch, the split stitch creates a solid line with an added texture to it. It looks really easy when I watch someone do it, but when I have the needle, and thread in my hands I tend to freeze up and forget. Then I want to learn chain stitch, I don't really think I have explain that because the name of it obviously says what it is. 
2.) To make myself a dress. I know what you might be thinking "oh, probably a simple dress" WELL NO! I cosplay a lot with my sister and it's a hassle to order costumes online and wait for such a long time for it to even come in, PLUS! the pay can be sometimes awful heavy! so I want to make myself a dress. There's an anime named "Yuri on Ice" and on the web there's drawings (fanart) of one of Yuri's performance outfits but as a dress. It's black and SO BEAUTIFUL. I actually don't think I'm going to be able to do that but hey. It worth the try. 

     Thank you for reading HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE

(gif cred to: )
FYI this is the yuri outfit and I want to make it into a dress. 

Image result for yuri on ice eros dress

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