Friday, March 3, 2017

Do I Worry Colleges or Employers Might Read my Social Media Posts Someday?

      I feel like if that does happen, I hope I gave important information that's also helpful, and gives the reader a clear view of what I'm talking about. The work I put onto the blogs are all hard work that I have researched from multiple websites and put into one that would clearly make sense and sometimes it's just information I have learned from my instructor and my fellow classmates. 
      Not every blog was made out of wanting to make, cause it's actually an everyday thing I have to do in order to either wake myself up and get right into focusing, or to just reminder myself of a lesson I learned not to long ago. 
      With every blog, I serve my whole memory of what I learned and with that I also find myself thinking that I have come a long way of what I fully learned and decided to care about. 
       So to clearly and finally answer the question, I want to say. I would truly feel nervous to what they might think of on my work and if it's something that isn't good enough then I will try harder. 

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