Thursday, March 16, 2017

Fashion model sketch

       Sketching a fashion model can be a hard task for some people and for others it can be walk in the park. Not many can perfect the model in a sketching way, so here it is. A short illustration of how. Plus, sorry if my explaining doesn't sound right but I'll try my best to describe and walk you through it. 
Image result for fashion sketches        First, you'll have to make the model's head, making it about 2iches, slim but not too slim, and then making cheek bones(get to to the point of why you need to put cheek bones later) then make a neck that is also slim and long, but not 2 inches. I say about 1 inch. then from the bottom lines of the neck, you make the shoulders. Try making the shoulder not too bold, or the model's are thin and small. But if you're aiming to make a slight bold woman then don't make her a bit too bold, cause then she'll look like a man. In my opinion... lol. So after you got your slim shoulders, you making the breast/bust. Don'y make them too big, saggy, small, or high. Make them near the bottom of the shoulders, but if they look saggy, then lift them up a bit. 
      Then, make the torso and stomach. The torso should start from the bottom the bust but more to the corners of the bust. Then make the torso line both go out but not too much, about 1 1/2 cm. But, that depends on how big you're drawing the model. Then make the stomach like an hour glass, but not too deep or she'll look a bit off with propitiation. After that you'll make the female uterus in the middle of the hips you made, but low. Make a gap in when you begin to do the legs. 
      After you make the gap, you start the inner line of the legs with a smooth hand and make it long, but not too leg for you don't want your model looking too tall. Then from the hip line you make the outer leg line. Keep the lines slightly together to make a pair of slim legs but not too slim, you still want a model to have meat. After making the legs, you make the feet, and making them big and slim. Like flippers! 
Image result for fashion sketch makeup      Last, making the face. The face has to look beautiful, slim, and dramatic. The cheek bone part is to show slimness and dramatic feature. Slightly shade the bottom of the bones then make the eyes, you want to make the eye half lidded, and with long long long! lashes. Makes the eyebrow high and thin with a sharp point at the end. Then making the lips big and dramatic with a white space in the middle to make it look like it's a bit open. After that, you got yourself a model!~ 

( picture cred: face: 

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