Monday, January 23, 2017

Toilet paper dress project!

    In fashion class there was a very creative project we had to do in groups of  four. The project was making toilet paper dresses on the manikin. In the project I didn't think much of it and thought it was gonna be something to just kill some time, and usually I would draw or make something when I feel like killing time. During the making our team shown a amazing effect of teamwork. Not many teams have team work and those who do, don't have enough. Our team shown teamwork and strong structure, we build the dress first on paper, and changed it a few times to make it much better; I'm quite happy we did it on paper instead of going right to the manikin. Many people would have choose doing it on the manikin first than doing the paper. Maybe it's an energy thing? or just saving time..?

       During the making of the dress we changed it a few times, first we drawn it long and poof, changed it too long and skinny, and then we settled with a short skirt, hip cape, and backless dress; though there is more to this than what it says. The dress has a long flowing hip cape that touches the ground, thee back doesn't have straps for it is half covered with a illusion spread of white flowers, the flowers were gonna stay at the back but we decided to just make it a dress with flowers spread on like an illusion, and keeping the cape around the hips. After putting the details on the dress and making sure was perfect for presentation, the instructor then tells us that we learned something while making the dresses. 

       We learned the different qualities of the designs we put in the dress, not noticing there is lines all over the dresses, and what I mean by lines all over the dress is that are called "Elements of design" the elements of design are color, line, form, and texture. Each of these elements plays times referred role on forming the structure of clothing designs. 
Lines give direction, break larger areas into smaller ones, create movement, carrying the eye from one area to another, and they can be vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or curved. The lines we mostly used was vertical, horizontal, and curved. These lines mean something in fashion industry. Vertical lines lead the eye up and down. They give the feeling of height, dignity, and strength.  Vertical lines could be seen on the dress in the hip cape area. The lines show dignity a lot more than it does with the others. Next, we have the horizontal lines showing on the dress. Horizontal lines carry the eye from side to side. Such lines suggest a feeling or calm relaxation, but can add width. Horizontal lines show on the lower part of the dress;the skirt part. It does lead my eye from one side to the other side, making me look at the design that's nicely spread out on the dress, and I would honestly not change it. 
Lastly we have curved lines. Curved lines gently bend. They create the appearance of softness and fullness. The curves are seen all over the dress, which are the flowers, and with each well made flower gives a gentle soft look. 

       Thank you for reading this blog and I hope you all enjoyed the blog today, more will come, and goodbye. 

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