Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Paris Fashion Week.

        Cosmic Love, the name of Paris's fashion runway this week. I usually don't watch fashion runways but this one caught my eye, giving me multiple feelings to this, and also making me like it in a very deep way. I personally think that fashion shows could be a bit too buzzard with the clothes, but this one made me like it. It was a bit buzzard but it wasn't too buzzard. 
Image result for Manish Arora Fall/Winter 2017: Cosmic Love        In a way some of the clothing that were brought to the runway was both bold and flow. Like there would be an outfit were it has a tight shirt with bold shoulders and pants with flowing bell bottoms. Then a dress that was tight on the top and flow on the bottom. Then some that were just plain boldness and plain flowing. All of them bit look futuristic and had a lot of dazzle on them that really gave them life into the outfit. If it weren't for the dazzle the runway look a bit off, but I personally think it came out great. 
       The texture of the runway and the outfit gave the feeling of roughness do to the accessories, then the feeling of coarse. But then again coarse and rough both slightly mean the same thing. Next, the shape. All looked both curvaceous and elongated. Some had curved shoulders that I said before that were bold, and then curved hips; that really made the figure pop out a lot. They had outfits on this runway that looked elongated, many had long dresses that were flow, long sleeves, purses, and a bit of the accessories that were attached to it. There isn't that much to talk about in the shape section, so moving on to scale. 
       Overall the runway was a hit in my opinion and I wish I was there to witness the great runway in person to actually get a better feeling to it. 

(pic credit; )

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