Monday, May 22, 2017

Fashion show

          Last weeks fashion show was a hit! we had everything all done and clean at the right time. I had the job to tell everyone when to go on the stage. It felt very exciting because I felt like the task was very much important and very much needed. I felt a bit nervous of course but that's normal and I liked it very much. 
Image result for fashion sketches
          First it started with a great greeting speech that my instructor made and then the music started right after and it was my time to shine! I was on it! and I felt like I was the only one who was right for the job. All the collections were very beautiful and so breathtaking. But the after the show we had a photo shoot, that was also fun. I got to model for an Avant-garde look that I thought looked pretty. It wasn't much but I was very happy with what I had to wear. My friend made it so I was much more happier. It was a big cape that had a T-shirt as an end and the whole entire thing was made out of T-shirts. I felt so pretty and felt so excited about how it all turned out to be. 

(pic cred: ) 

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