Friday, January 6, 2017

NY'S Resolution

      I had to do a part two to the new year's resolution because I barely remembered that I have more things I want to do this year!
       MY resolutions are a bit simple but they are hard if you can somewhat relate to what I'm going to type in. My first resolution i have for myself, id to get back in shape. I have been lazy for the past 2 years! I weigh I think 193. I have already got o the treadmill, eating more healthy, watching what I eat, and even bought something from amazon to help me. You could say it;s almost like a cheat ha ha.. Well, I bought a dieting tea that flushes my system more than it already does. Now, when I say dieting tea you're probably thinking "oh, she is going to the bathroom every hour to take a number two" well no! It doesn't work like that. What I have to do is. First, eat breakfast or lunch or dinner then drink the tea. The plan I have out for myself is very simple. when I eat something heavy I don't drink the tea, instead I put on my body wrap, and just work out for maybe 15-25 minutes. until I feel like things settled down. But if I eat breakfast or a big dinner with my family, then I drink the tea after it. Then work out to an hour the next day. Usually when it rains outside on a day I plan on jogging, I just use the stairs. It'll take awhile for me to enjoy this painful healthy life but I know I'll get through it!

        The second resolution I have for myself, is to keep myself away from negativity. At my school I have a group of friends that have some trouble with themselves. Some days they could be all fun and say nice things, then there's those days when the group is out of it, bad things are being said, and I start feel really low. There are times when I actually start being the same then it'll last for maybe 2-3 days for me. I'm just really sensitive towards negative stuff. I'm also trying to get over a past crush, we had a strong bond but I wanted to get away once I found out he was dating a girl, it was very hard for me. plus, it was finals week. I ended up breaking down in my school's bathroom after I messed up on my final art project. man I was crying lolol But that really changed me. I was all moody and blaahh! so that's why I'm changing myself for the better. I'm changing myself for myself. 

       These are my final New Year's Resolutions. Hope you peeps have a great year!!!

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