Friday, September 30, 2016

respect for garment workers and others in the fashion industry.

        The biggest applause to the garment workers and fashion industry. Why? because in my days of fashion I have been working on making things, cause I don't think I'm ready for clothes yet. Anyone in fashion industry that makes clothes and knows everything there is to making clothes, I wanna say "thank you". thank you, cause if it weren't for you people I wouldn't be wearing this nice shirt. 
Image result for fashion sketch of flowing dresses                 But, in all seriousness I think doing clothes is a challenge. Not a big bad challenge. Believe me it's a bit hard to remember where everything goes, how everything works, why is it important to do that, and How to do this and that. N' you're constantly moving, communicating, making mistakes, trying your best, and most importantly having fun with the people you're working with. Have people that are in the same boat as me really makes me feel much more comfortable and confident with what I'm doing.
                During my time here working in fashion, I have learned the invisible stitch and many other stitches, how to use the sewing machine and the names of the parts, how to put together a pin cushion, and how to just be creative. Being fashion has really made me open up, learn, discover new things and way of how to do something, and how to put together your a beautiful dress you visioned. 
                 Being in fashion isn't a walk in the park, but it's an exciting ride~.

(picture credit to: Grace Ciao. Fashion Illustrator)

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