Thursday, September 22, 2016

Grunge style.

           What is in style right now? well, the style that is getting much, much love right now is the grunge look. I love it! I love how the colors look dark, the outfit looks a bit punk,  and how the person just looks so sassy with it. 
Image result for grunge wear tumblr
             The grunge look can either look like punk or a bit loose, to me it looks like it has both, and I love it! I don't have a grunge outfit, yet. But, if I do I'll get a pair of ripped light shorts, black tights, a black v-neck or nirvana shirt, cause I'm also in love with Nirvana. A dark green jacket or black leather jacket, a beanie, black vans, and a dark brown hand purse. Then having the right makeup to finish that hot look would totally perfect it 100%. 
             "Grunge" is used to define a specific moment in twentieth-century music and fashion. In 1980s, grunge went to have global implications for alternative bands and do-it-yourself (DIY) dressing. While grunge music and style were absorbed by a large youth following, its status as a self-conscious subculture is debatable. People who listened to grunge music did not refer to themselves as "grungers" in the same way as "punks" or "hippies." 
              The word "grunge" dates from 1972, but did not enter popular terminology until the birth of the Seattle sound, a mix of heavy-metal, punk, and good old-fashioned rock and roll, in the late 1980s. Many musicians associated with grunge credit their exposure to early punk bands as one of their most important influences.
Like San Francisco in the 1960s, Seattle in the 1980s was a breeding ground for music that spoke to its youth. 
              The youth movements most often associated and compared to grunge-hippie and punk-were driven both by music and politics. Punks and hippies used music and fashion to make strong statements about the world and are often referred to as "movements" due to this political component. While the youth of 1980s Seattle were aware of politics, grunge was fueled more by self-expression-sadness, disenchantment, disconnectedness, loneliness, frustration-and perhaps was an unintentional movement of sorts. 
            Grunge was dressing down at it's most extreme, taking casualness and comfort dressing to an entirely new level.
(picture credit to: )

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