Monday, September 26, 2016

community service projects that help others.

      You do not get paid to perform community service, but volunteer your time. Community service can help many different groups of people: children, senior citizens, people with disabilities, even animals and the environment. Community service is often organized through a local group. Many people participate in community service because they enjoy helping others and improving their community.
Image result for flower in a vase drawing         There are numerous benefits to participating in community service, both for yourself and others.
  • Gives you a way to help others
  • Helps improve your community
  • Can help strengthen your resume and college applications
  • Can be a way to meet new friends
  • Often results in personal growth
  • Gives you a way to gain work experience and learn more about certain jobs
         Many community service activities can help you gain skills. These skills can range from teaching to medicine to construction and more. If there is a particular skill you'd like to learn for future classes, jobs, or just out of personal interest, you may want to see if there is a community service activity that helps you learn that skill.
       Some general ideas on how you can help is either, Donate or raise money for your local Red Cross, Organize a community blood drive, or Send cards to soldiers serving overseas.

Helping Children and Schools by Tutor children during or after school, Donate stuffed animals to children in hospitals, or Organize games and activities for children in hospitals or who are visiting hospitalized relatives. Helping Senior Citizens by Read to residents at a nursing home, Deliver groceries and meals to elderly neighbors, or Teach computer skills to the elderly.Helping Animals and the Environment by Take care of cats and dogs at an animal shelter, Clean up a local park, or Raise money to provide a bulletproof vest for a police dog.

       The opportunities are endless. Everything that I listed has even more things you could do and could just really help our world/community be a better and safer place.

(picture cred // Petunias in Porcelain Swan Vase )

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