Happy Halloween Day
Happy Halloween everyone!! Today we'll talk about Halloween costumes. Now, when you think of Halloween we think about people in their scariest or cutest costumes and the children having fun and going out o get candy at night. Well, you're right. Halloween is the best day of the year (in my opinion) I feel like it's the most exciting time of the year because not only do you go outside at night to go get candy but you also dress as frictional characters!
For an example, I am dressed as Sasha from SNK or other known as. Attack on Titan! it's my 5th favorite anime! and I just love how other people love it as well. But, I'm also excited about scaring people and getting scared. Being scared the hell out of you is the best feeling. it brings chills to my skin and bring so much excitement.
Well, this year the celebrities really out done themselves! So congrats celebrities! But as I was scrolling through the google image and the website. Celebuzz.com. I found this costume worn by colton Haynes' dressed by Miss Piggy. It's not only scary and disturbing to look at, it's also very funny, weird, and very creative! I wouldn't have thought of that at all.
So that's all I have today, so be careful trick or treating, and remember to have fun and be safe out there. Will be blogging next time BYE!
(picture cred to: http://www.celebuzz.com/2016-10-31/celebrity-halloween-costumes-2016/)
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