Wednesday, November 2, 2016

In my wildest dreams

        In my wildest dreams I picture myself in a world with equality, freedom, and constant respect for others and yourself. In this world I made for myself I will be surrounded with the ones I already know and those I barley know. I will invite the ones am not very friendly with so that I will make a better and heather bond with them. I will have the one I love always with me as I care for him the same way he does for me. I will make sure my world is in order with simple and safe rules that will satisfy both me and the ones I invited. 
              It'll be almost like paradise for myself and others;I hope. There will be no buildings, oil plants, pollution, and ect. Waterfalls, strawberry fields, tall trees, and happy things. 
Image result for purple galaxy background              In this world that I created for myself will be only for me with the illusion of people with me. The only one that will be real is the one I love. The one and only. When there comes a time of wanting to be alone I will wipe my illusion of the people out of my world. There will be a place where only I can walk in, where I can sit in and waste time, where I can lose my mind even more, and where I can hear sweet slow music that I dearly enjoy. In this world it'll only be me and the one I love with the illusion of others around us. they wont have their regular minds as I will make them unable to speak or think that way they think. They will have the same mind set as me. 
             In this world I created for myself I am able to go to a cliff and scream as loud and long as I want. I can jump and be gently caught by the ocean waves, they will carry me to the middle of the ocean where I can be more by myself and more in peace. The colors I will surround myself will the ones that calm me. Purple, red, black. Purple as the most beautiful flower I've seen when I was at the age of 9. Red as the sweet color of the thick liquid that pumps through my veins, and black. The color of the night of when the stars are to shy to come out. 
            During the time for me to sleep and rest my clouded mind I will be watched by the galaxy and it's stars. They will enjoy watching me as I enjoy watching them. Everything around me will be my choice and my luxury. Everything and everyone that disagree with anything in my world is nothing to me and is dead to me. 
           This will be in my wildest dreams....

(picture cred:,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNF0p8xGM4ZMvp2ViWlwA1eXkuTJiA&ust=1478203707681144)


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