Tuesday, October 25, 2016

So Hype!

Image result for steampunk victorian costume             As you can tell from the title, I'm very excited for Halloween this month! I'm, always looking forward for Halloween every year. Halloween is my favorite holiday! For this Halloween I will be dressing up as a steam punk Victorian woman. The steam punk Victorian look really catches my eye and I've always loved the Victorian look. I'm also in love with the Victorian dresses, I think I might be getting one for next years Halloween!
              Why do I love the steam punk look? because steam punk has so much personality in the clothes, it has so much stuff to wear, and it just being you to that time year of when it was just regular clothes. The term "steampunk" was not coined until 1987 and any works prior to that time are considered precursors to the genre. is a sub-genre of science fiction, alternate history, and speculative fiction that came into prominence during the late 1980's and early 1990's. Specifically, steampunk involves an era or world where steam power is still widely used, typically the Victorian Era and the Edwardian Era, that incorporates prominent elements of science fiction and fantasy. A modicum of fantasy is necessary because steam alone simply will not do enough to fulfill the visions of most authors and artists. Steampunk is often associated with cyberpunk, from which it is derived. They have considerable influence on each other and share a similar fan base, but steampunk developed into a separable movement. Apart from time period and level of technology, the main difference is that steampunk settings tend to be less dystopian. Steampunk is described as "full of wonder" and as "functional, logical, and very British". Steampunk stories are often romantic and peppered with historical references and brewing rebellions.
               Victorian fashion comprises the various fashions and trends in British culture that emerged and developed in the United Kingdom and the British Empire throughout the Victorian era, roughly 1830s to 1900s (decade). The period saw many changes in fashion, including changes in styles, fashion technology and the methods of distribution. Various movement in architecture, literature, and the decorative and visual arts as well as a changing perception of the traditional gender roles also influenced fashion.
               Everything about it makes me so fascinated and so very happy. This is going to be my costume for Halloween. 

(picture cred: Pinterest )

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