Monday, January 30, 2017

SAG awards 2017

       During the weekend there was a very popular event on Jan 29, 2017. (on a Sunday) during night time I was watching the SAG awards right before bedtime and very much enjoyed the time, I seen many colors, and seen many beautiful dresses. But, the color I kept seeing during the awards was a skin color nude look, everything was light skin, and or a shaded pink. The most fashion I seen during the awards was skin tight dresses or dresses with poof and a lot of skin showing. Who doesn't like a little skin show? female like showing themselves in the slightest way to show how much they really themselves. Therefore, there's always clothing out there showing a bit of skin on the female body and I think there should be more of it, because even the thick looking girls would look really nice in it too, and not many thick girls wear that type of stuff. 
Most Confused Dress: Taraji P. Henson in Reem Acra       While I was watching I saw this dress that really caught my eye deeply and made me fall in love. The dress is made by Reem Acraa nd the dress was worn by Taraji P. Henson. I honestly love this dress because it gives me a feeling of princess all over it. During little girly years and probably all of ours too, I would always obsess over princesses and how perfect they look. So this dress really made me feel like that and made me fall head over heals for. The dress is pink with a bit a of brown (in my best guest) it shows a large amount of chest and has so much glam on it. (Glam is jewels) I didn't feel like there was much done with her hair but over all I really loved the dress and I felt like it was out of the box. 
      I would really wear this dress so much for no reason because that's how amazing it is to me T0T (  <-- emoji  )

(picture cred: )

Monday, January 23, 2017

Toilet paper dress project!

    In fashion class there was a very creative project we had to do in groups of  four. The project was making toilet paper dresses on the manikin. In the project I didn't think much of it and thought it was gonna be something to just kill some time, and usually I would draw or make something when I feel like killing time. During the making our team shown a amazing effect of teamwork. Not many teams have team work and those who do, don't have enough. Our team shown teamwork and strong structure, we build the dress first on paper, and changed it a few times to make it much better; I'm quite happy we did it on paper instead of going right to the manikin. Many people would have choose doing it on the manikin first than doing the paper. Maybe it's an energy thing? or just saving time..?

       During the making of the dress we changed it a few times, first we drawn it long and poof, changed it too long and skinny, and then we settled with a short skirt, hip cape, and backless dress; though there is more to this than what it says. The dress has a long flowing hip cape that touches the ground, thee back doesn't have straps for it is half covered with a illusion spread of white flowers, the flowers were gonna stay at the back but we decided to just make it a dress with flowers spread on like an illusion, and keeping the cape around the hips. After putting the details on the dress and making sure was perfect for presentation, the instructor then tells us that we learned something while making the dresses. 

       We learned the different qualities of the designs we put in the dress, not noticing there is lines all over the dresses, and what I mean by lines all over the dress is that are called "Elements of design" the elements of design are color, line, form, and texture. Each of these elements plays times referred role on forming the structure of clothing designs. 
Lines give direction, break larger areas into smaller ones, create movement, carrying the eye from one area to another, and they can be vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or curved. The lines we mostly used was vertical, horizontal, and curved. These lines mean something in fashion industry. Vertical lines lead the eye up and down. They give the feeling of height, dignity, and strength.  Vertical lines could be seen on the dress in the hip cape area. The lines show dignity a lot more than it does with the others. Next, we have the horizontal lines showing on the dress. Horizontal lines carry the eye from side to side. Such lines suggest a feeling or calm relaxation, but can add width. Horizontal lines show on the lower part of the dress;the skirt part. It does lead my eye from one side to the other side, making me look at the design that's nicely spread out on the dress, and I would honestly not change it. 
Lastly we have curved lines. Curved lines gently bend. They create the appearance of softness and fullness. The curves are seen all over the dress, which are the flowers, and with each well made flower gives a gentle soft look. 

       Thank you for reading this blog and I hope you all enjoyed the blog today, more will come, and goodbye. 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

sports wear

        Once the year starts, a lot of people might think the same thing for their resolution. Either that's eating right, working out more, and or just wanting to make the year count and make it better than last year. anyone wanting to just lose a couple of weight to just feel good, here's a new product Nike has, and has greats reviews on. The hot product made by  Nike is called "Nike Pro Classic Padded Bra" The is used for workout of course, and ever since the year started; people been buying fitness gear like crazy. Nike came out with a new fitness bra that gives much more comfort to when you workout with it. I mean, who's ever gotten uncomfortable with their workout bra while running, warming up, and or just doing anything. 
        The popular sports bra got 84 reviews and 89% of reviewers recommending this product. 51% five stars, 25% four stars, 4% three stars, 3% two stars, and 1% one star.Adding another review board for size, comfort, fit, and durability; this sports bra looks really fascinating and very worth the money.  The rating for size is a 95% true to size, rating for comfort is a 88% very comfortable, rating for fit is a 94% as expected fit, and the last rating to make this product such a booming success is durability. The percentage for that came out as 86% very durable. To match it's awesome review the bra comes out to the pricing of $32. Sizes are XS, S, M, L, and L. 
        Here's a funny and great review by a person who bought the bra and gave a great review. 

(youtuber: Boobydoo )   

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Fur coat fashion

       There is nothing like the winter coats of the Jazz Age. Their curved shapes with large fur collars created a cocoon of warmth and style that has yet to be duplicated. Coats were often made of wool suede velour, deep pile velvet, wool broadcloth, and velour coating. Linings were made from crepe de chine, satin de chine, brocade, or other silks and blends. Popular fur trim included mink, possum, raccoon, seal, fox, sable, and beaver for the upper classes. Mid classes may have chosen the cheaper weasel, squirrel, chinchilla or mole. Some cheap furs like rabbit were dyed to look like the more expensive fox and seal furs.  If real fur was out of your price range, there were synthetic fake furs often called Siberian fur cloth, that resembled the real thing. The most favored furs had long, and soft hairs. Full belts were common in the early 20’s and for trench style men’s inspired coats. 
Clara Bow:         Long knee length wool 1920s men's coats with wide lapels, broad shoulders and a tightly fitted waist emphasized thin and muscular physique. It was only natural that men returning from war could no longer fit into their pre-war clothing nor appreciate the sung suits. As 1920s suits grew more fitted in the torso so did the overcoat in the early twenties. Then as suits grew a bit wider and looser the coats followed as well. Men's overcoats were not brash and colorful as most other clothing was. Younger wealthier men preferred lighter shades and blends of blue-grey or tan-brown but that was as far as colors went. In 1923 the British trend for dark blue coats came to America. It was touted as the color that flattered all shapes, sizes, and ages. It was the new “black.” Besides coats, dark formal dinner jackets came in dark blue along with men’s business suits and casual pants. 

       In 1920s men's raccoon coat came into spotlight! I love the raccoon coat look on men, because it shows the boldness, and a bit of wealth in them. Entirely fur overcoats, such as the famous Raccoon coat, became a trend and symbol of swanky young college men with sex appeal just like their movie star idol Rudolph Valentino. All men, regardless of age, were quick to buy and wear a Raccoon coat even if it was only worn two or three times a year to football games.
raccoon coat 20s:
(pic:MALE PIC:


Friday, January 6, 2017

NY'S Resolution

      I had to do a part two to the new year's resolution because I barely remembered that I have more things I want to do this year!
       MY resolutions are a bit simple but they are hard if you can somewhat relate to what I'm going to type in. My first resolution i have for myself, id to get back in shape. I have been lazy for the past 2 years! I weigh I think 193. I have already got o the treadmill, eating more healthy, watching what I eat, and even bought something from amazon to help me. You could say it;s almost like a cheat ha ha.. Well, I bought a dieting tea that flushes my system more than it already does. Now, when I say dieting tea you're probably thinking "oh, she is going to the bathroom every hour to take a number two" well no! It doesn't work like that. What I have to do is. First, eat breakfast or lunch or dinner then drink the tea. The plan I have out for myself is very simple. when I eat something heavy I don't drink the tea, instead I put on my body wrap, and just work out for maybe 15-25 minutes. until I feel like things settled down. But if I eat breakfast or a big dinner with my family, then I drink the tea after it. Then work out to an hour the next day. Usually when it rains outside on a day I plan on jogging, I just use the stairs. It'll take awhile for me to enjoy this painful healthy life but I know I'll get through it!

        The second resolution I have for myself, is to keep myself away from negativity. At my school I have a group of friends that have some trouble with themselves. Some days they could be all fun and say nice things, then there's those days when the group is out of it, bad things are being said, and I start feel really low. There are times when I actually start being the same then it'll last for maybe 2-3 days for me. I'm just really sensitive towards negative stuff. I'm also trying to get over a past crush, we had a strong bond but I wanted to get away once I found out he was dating a girl, it was very hard for me. plus, it was finals week. I ended up breaking down in my school's bathroom after I messed up on my final art project. man I was crying lolol But that really changed me. I was all moody and blaahh! so that's why I'm changing myself for the better. I'm changing myself for myself. 

       These are my final New Year's Resolutions. Hope you peeps have a great year!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

New Year's Resolutions!

        I'm extremely happy 2016 is over! It's been such a crazy ride, there were times when I though the year wouldn't even end; to how the year was moving so slow. But, it's strange. Now that 2016 has past I somehow feel like 2016 went by so fast! ( *O* ) 
        I don't really make new year's resolutions, but this year I did. I really hope I can actually stick to this resolution ha ha... I couldn't stick to my 2015 resolution so I thought to just forget about it. 
        Well! on with the resolutions! I have made two resolutions I seriously really want to complete and inject in the blood before I leave my fashion class and those two resolutions are to. 
1.) To learn more hand embroidery stitches, like ones that I didn't have a chance to do last semester. Such as split stitch. It's similar to back stitch, the split stitch creates a solid line with an added texture to it. It looks really easy when I watch someone do it, but when I have the needle, and thread in my hands I tend to freeze up and forget. Then I want to learn chain stitch, I don't really think I have explain that because the name of it obviously says what it is. 
2.) To make myself a dress. I know what you might be thinking "oh, probably a simple dress" WELL NO! I cosplay a lot with my sister and it's a hassle to order costumes online and wait for such a long time for it to even come in, PLUS! the pay can be sometimes awful heavy! so I want to make myself a dress. There's an anime named "Yuri on Ice" and on the web there's drawings (fanart) of one of Yuri's performance outfits but as a dress. It's black and SO BEAUTIFUL. I actually don't think I'm going to be able to do that but hey. It worth the try. 

     Thank you for reading HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE

(gif cred to: )
FYI this is the yuri outfit and I want to make it into a dress. 

Image result for yuri on ice eros dress