Thursday, August 25, 2016

does wearing school uniforms increase learning? reduce violence? reduce stereotyping and prejudice?

        Hello, just wanting to talk a little bit about question, I thought it'll be very important to talk about, and give a few statement options. 
          First, I think it dose not increase learning if you wear uniform. I used to go to a school that made the students wear uniform and I really did not like it. Everyday would be a stressful war in my head about how I wanna look in this ugly uniform. In class it'll bother me and I'll feel embarrassed to walk around. No store had this uniform that looked good. I had to try to look good but ended up getting picked on. 
         Other students would face the problems as me and it'll be rare to see someone that actually made the uniform look good. The struggle made half of the students grumpy and that would sometimes end up with them fighting someone. Everyone was cranky all the time because they felt like the uniform was embarrassing and strict. 

         It felt strict because the students would have to wear something that didn't express what they felt, no one felt comfortable, and even on the free dress up days, we had to wear something that the school gave us. Nothing came good with that.
Image result for fashion sketches tumblr        was there stereotyping and prejudice? yes, of course they were. Some students from outside of the school would sometimes say comments that were unnecessary and a bit hurtful.
        In my option, I think there should not be any school uniforms. Just simple dress code that would be helpful students.

(picture cred to: suncut-ribbons -tumblr-)

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